She had yet to forgive him for his part in the skirmish that had resulted in his death, but.that was years ago. Why did my boys have to turn out so wild? What have I done to deserve this? We never should’ve left home. Nothing good will come from being associated with that woman. I know, but once you’ve done that, I.have something important that needs tending to. I’ve.been, well, I’ve an errand for you, son. She stood before me in a faded purple dress with an apron tied around her waist. I had been about to saddle a horse, standing in the stable with the bridle in my hands.

You’re the only one of your brothers I can count on. My mother, Maggie, beside herself with worry over her wayward sons, had taken matters into her own hands, and it wasn’t until a day ago that I realized just how desperate she had become.Ĭharlie, she had said. Grant was fond of the ladies, romancing a married woman in town, whose husband was frequently away on cattle business. It was rumored that Bronson had taken to robbery, while Wyatt enjoyed wild nights at various saloons. When they returned, they weren’t the same, and, although our farm prospered, first from wheat and corn, then from the stockyards, my older brothers had changed. Our mother had been widowed, although my older brothers, Bronson and Wyatt had taken over the farm before setting out to fight in the war. Our pa, Chuck Carson, who was a Free-State man, had moved us west from Massachusetts, but he lost his life in a skirmish with a small army of Missourians. I was the youngest of four brothers, the two eldest having been through the war, while Grant and I had been too young to participate, which was a blessing. An unexpected kiss confuses Rebecca, and she questions if it is Grant she really wants. Rebecca and Charlie find themselves thrown together often, and a friendship emerges. Grant reluctantly makes an effort to romance Rebecca, but his heart is elsewhere, as he is involved with a married woman in town. It is his younger brother, Charlie, who greets her at the train station.Ĭharlie is appalled after discovering his mother’s deception, yet jealous that Rebecca is meant for his older brother, who, in his estimation, does not deserve her. When she arrives in Topeka, she is eager to marry the man she thought she had come to admire, but the groom, Grant Carson, is nowhere to be found. Rebecca Hart is the first ensnared, romanced by sweet words, poetry, and the promise of a new life. The Wild West was tamed, one man at a time.ĭesperate for grandbabies and cursed with four wayward sons, Maggie Carson concocts a scheme to impersonate them in letters sent back east for mail order brides.